There's an open seat for you at The Gordy. Here's all the info you need to know before your show!

Here at Stages, we encourage you to bring your full self to experience the best that theater has to offer in the most intimate performance spaces in Houston. Will call tickets can be picked up at the Mady and Ken Kades Box Office located in the lobby. Dress how you're comfortable, ask lots of questions, and express yourself when it feels right. The stories we share are only possible when you're experiencing them, so take your seat, settle in, and join us in learning to live more deeply and love more boldly.


800 Rosine Street
Houston, TX 77019

Call the Stages Patron Experience team
Monday-Saturday: 12 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Sunday: 12 p.m.–4 p.m.

Self-parking for all performances is in the Gordy parking garage located at 3215 D’Amico Street.

Event parking is $15, payable by cash or card to the parking attendant upon arrival.

The Gordy lobby is open at 6 p.m. on evenings with performances. On afternoons with matinee performances, the lobby opens at 1 p.m.

Check out our bar menu for a selection of refreshments and snacks to enjoy during your visit to the Gordy.

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